PHP Events
- core.bump_topic_allowed_after
Placement: includes/functions_content.php
Arguments: bump_time, forum_id, last_post_time, last_topic_poster, topic_bumped, topic_poster
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: Event to run code after the topic bump checks
- core.bump_topic_allowed_before
Placement: includes/functions_content.php
Arguments: forum_id, last_post_time, last_topic_poster, topic_bumped, topic_poster
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: Event to run code before the topic bump checks
- core.search_auth_check_override
Placement: search.php
Arguments: search_auth_check_override
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: This event allows you to override search auth checks
- core.viewforum_modify_sql
Placement: viewforum.php
Arguments: sql_ary
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: You can use this event to modify the sql that selects the forum on the viewforum page.
- None
- acp_ext_list_not_installed_name_after
Placement: acp_ext_list.html
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: Add content after the name of not installed extensions in the list
- acp_ext_list_not_installed_title_after
Placement: acp_ext_list.html
Added in Release: 3.3.14-RC1
Explanation: Add text after not installed extensions section title.
Source: ... #p16040116